The Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Government of the Republic of Turkey, (hereinafter referred to as "the Parties"),
Being guided by the common wish to strengthen relations and to develop friendly ties between the peoples of the two countries,
Expressing the confidence that the creation of close mutual relations and the cooperation in the field of youth and sport facilitate increasing mutual understanding between representatives of the young generations of the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Turkey,
Have agreed as follows:
Article 1
The Ministry of Youth and Sport of the Republic of Serbia and the Ministry of Youth and Sport of the Republic of Turkey shall be the executive authorities of this Agreement.
Article 2
The Parties, on a reciprocal basis, shall facilitate the development of friendly ties between the youth and sport organisations of the two states, in particular, by means of organizing meetings, exchanges and other forms increasing cooperation of the state executive authorities as well as non-governmental organisations functioning in the field of youth and sport hereinafter referred to as "the Partner Organisations".
Article 3
The Parties shall facilitate the development of direct ties between the partner organisations at all levels whose inter-state cooperation meets the objective of this Agreement, including the exchanges of delegations and information on matters of mutual interest. If direct ties between cooperating organisations are achieved, common programmes shall be carried out. Programmatic and financial responsibility for the fulfilment of obligations ensuing from these programmes shall be born by the organizations which implement them.
Article 4
The Parties shall facilitate the development of direct ties between research institutions and centres which deal with youth and sports issues including the following forms of cooperation:
1. Exchange of government experts in the field of youth and sports and representatives of non-governmental youth and sports organisations,
2. participating in international conferences, seminars or other events (fora, symposia, festivals, meetings) on youth and sportive events organised by one of the contracting parties,
3. exchange of printed material, films, CDs and information on matters of youth and sports,
4. encouraging cooperation in the field of youth and sport, aiming at the exchange of knowledge and expertise for the development of youth and sport policies,
5. planning and implementation of projects within the frame work of cross-border programmes,
6. encouraging and assisting all institutions and organisations of the contracting parties in submitting joint projects to international programmes.
Article 5
(1) The Contracting parties agreed to exchange annually on a reciprocal basis:
1. A four-member delegation of government officials, working in public administration dealing with youth and sports affairs and experts working in the field of youth and sports to get acquainted with youth and sports policies, youth and sports development programmes and youth and sports organisations of the other contracting party; and
2. A four-member delegation of non-governmental youth organisations and sports organisations to get acquainted with youth and sport organisations and youth and sport development programmes and participate in youth and sport events organised in both countries
(2) Meetings under Article 2 and Article 3 will be organised once a year, reciprocally on the territories of both contracting parties and their duration will be not more than three (3) days.
(3) The exchange of these delegations under Article 2 will depend on the potential events organised in each country and the interest of each party to participate in them, as well as on the available financial means allocated to this purpose from the yearly budget.
Article 6
The receiving party shall provide the sending party full board and accommodation; pay the full costs of the programme and internal transportation. The sending party shall pay international travel costs to the place of stay and back.
During the visits, each Contracting Party is to provide insurance for the member of its own delegation.
Article 7
All kinds of activities covered by this Agreement shall comply with and be carried out in accordance with the laws of the states of the Parties and be financed within limits of finances provided for in the budgets of the states of the Parties as well as from other sources which are not prohibited by laws of the states of the Parties.
Article 8
If disputes concerning the interpretation or application of the provisions of this Agreement come into being, the Parties shall settle them through consultations and negotiations.
Article 9
This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of receipt of the last written notification by which the Parties notify each other, through diplomatic channels, of the completion of their internal legal procedures required for the entry into force of the concerned document.
This Agreement is concluded for a period of two years and shall be considered to be automatically prolonged for every further two-year period unless one Party gives written notice to the other Party of its intension to terminate it not later than six months before the expiration period.
Article 10
The termination of this Agreement shall have no effect on the forms of cooperation agreed upon, which are ongoing and have not been completed at the time of the termination of this Agreement.
Done in the city of Ankara on February 4, 2013 in two original copies, each in the Serbian, Turkish and English languages, all text being equally authentic.
In case of differences in the interpretation of the provisions of this Agreement, the English text shall prevail.
On behalf of the Government |
On behalf of the Government |
Alisa Marić Minister of Youth and Sport |
Suat KILIÇ Minister of Youth and Sports |