("Off. Herald of RS - Treaties", No. 13/2018)

The Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Serbia and the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Kingdom of Morocco hereinafter refered to as "the Parties",

With the aim of cooperation between the structures of youth and sports of the two states,

With the desire to promote and develop mutually beneficial cooperation in the areas of youth and sports,

Have agreed as follows:

Article 1

The Parties will cooperate in the framework of this Memorandum within their competence in accordance with the national legislation of their states and international treaties, to which they are parties.

Article 2

The Parties will promote strengthening and development of relations between the youth of two countries through state bodies, youth organizations and organizations dealing with youth.

Article 3

The Parties will provide assistance in creation partnerships between organizations in the field of sport and encourage participation of the representatives of Parties at sports events conducted in both states.

Article 4

The Parties will promote development of direct relations between the youth centers, organizations in the field of sport which perform research-development activity and sports educational institutions of both countries.

Article 5

The Parties will promote cooperation in areas such as:

- Construction, reconstruction and exploitation of sports facilities;

- Enhance exchange of experience and know how in the field of the creation of appropriate conditions for competitions and training, the exchange of athletes and coaches, sports professionals and experts in sport;

- Exchange of experience in the field of technical preparation of national teams, as well as courses for sports professionals and experts in sport;

- Exchange of information and experiences in the field of sports medicine and the fight against the negative phenomena in sports;

- Exchange of experiences and good practice in sport tourism.

Article 6

The Parties will promote participation of the representatives of state institutions, youth experts, sports professionals and experts in sport in festivals, conferences, symposia, seminars, competitions, exhibitions, meetings, forums and tournaments on the matters covered by this Memorandum, which are organized on the territory of one of the Party.

Article 7

The Parties shall also take appropriate measures in order to enhance their cooperation in youth field through:

- Exchange of information on youth matters;

- Exchange of good practice in planning and implementation of youth projects;

- Encouraging and assisting institutions and youth organizations of the Parties in submitting joint projects to international organizations;

- Any other cooperative activities on youth issues that will be agreed upon by the Parties under the relevant legislation of each country.

Article 8

The Parties shall encourage cooperation in the fields of sport and youth policy within international organizations and institutions for the sake of the exchange of information and implementation of joint projects.

Article 9

The representatives of the Parties will meet upon mutual agreement of the Parties alternately in the cities of Belgrade and Rabat in order to discuss the implementation of the provisions of the Memorandum and to develop biannual joint plan of actions.

Article 10

International transport and insurance costs are the responsibility of the visitor.

The host Party bears the cost of accommodation, internal transport, and medical care in case of emergency.

Article 11

Differences which may arise from the interpretation or application of this Memorandum shall be settled by negotiations and consultations between the Parties and via Diplomatic authorities.

Article 12

The present Memorandum may be amended when necessary by mutual consent of the Parties. Such amendments shall be made in writing, signed and dated by the Parties. Any amendment will come into effect on such a date as may be mutually agreed upon by the Parties and will form the integral part of this Memorandum.

Article 13

This Memorandum is concluded for five (5) years and shall be automatically renewed for similar period, unless either Party notifies the other Party, at least three (3) months prior to the date of expiration of this Memorandum, its intention to terminate it.

At the expiration or termination of this Memorandum, its provisions shall continue to govern all obligations of the Parties in relation to ongoing activities and projects unless the Parties agree otherwise.

Done at Begrade, on September 11, 2018, in two original copies, in the Serbian, Arabic and English languages, all texts being equally authentic. In case of differences in interpretation, the English text shall prevail.

On behalf
of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the
Republic of Serbia


On behalf
of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the
Kingdom of Morocco