The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia and The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK)
(hereinafter referred to as the ”Parties”),
Recognising the importance of science and technology in the development of their national economies,
Wishing to strengthen and develop scientific and technological cooperation on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, have agreed as follows:
Article 1
The Parties shall encourage and support cooperation in the field of science and technology between research entities, universities and research institutes of Turkey and Serbia according to the provisions of this Protocol and the existing legislation and regulations of each country.
Article 2
The cooperation will have the following forms in particular:
2.1. Joint research and development projects, including exchange of research results and exchange of scientists, specialists and researchers;
2.2. Exchange of individual scientists for the purpose of conducting research work, exchange of information about ongoing research activities, adoption of new scientific methods, delivering lectures, establishing new scientific contacts for developing joint projects, attending scientific events;
2.3. Organising and participating in joint scientific meetings, conferences, symposia, courses, workshops, exhibitions, etc.;
2.4. Exchange of scientific and technical research results, information and documentations arising from the bilateral scientific and technological cooperation;
2.5. Joint use of research and development facilities and scientific equipment;
2.6. Other forms of scientific and technological co-operation which may be mutually agreed upon.
Article 3
3.1. Parties will collaborate within the context of participation in European Union Framework Programmes (EU FPs) for research and innovation.
3.2. The executive details concerning the Cooperation in EU FPs will be elaborated by the Joint Committee.
Article 4
4.1. Considering priority objectives for their respective countries, the Parties will develop cooperation in the following fields of common interest:
a. Natural Sciences
b. Engineering and Technology
c. Medical and Health Sciences
d. Agricultural Sciences
e. Social Sciences and Humanities
4.2. Other areas of interest may be included by mutual written consent.
Article 5
5.1. For the purpose of implementing this Protocol, a Joint Committee, composed of equal number of representatives designated by the two Parties, shall be established. The tasks of the Joint Committee shall be as follows:
a. Identifying the fields of co-operation on the basis of information delivered by institutions of each country and the national policies in science and technology;
b. Creating favourable conditions for the implementation of this Protocol;
c. Facilitating the implementation of joint programmes and projects;
d. Encouraging exchange of experience arising from the bilateral scientific and technological co-operation and evaluating proposals for its further development.
5.2. The Joint Committee meetings are arranged by mutual agreement when matters requiring detailed discussion arise. However, the Joint Committee may also operate by correspondence.
5.3. The Joint Committee may elaborate its own rules of procedure.
Article 6
Joint Research and Development Projects
In accordance of the provisions of the Article 2.1., the joint research and development projects will be implemented as follows:
6.1. The Parties will publish simultaneously a Call for Proposals every two years.
6.2. Project proposals have to provide detailed information on the objectives and justification of the planned joint research work, the methodology to be followed, the composition of each research team and the intended time schedule.
6.3. Project proposals prepared in English should be submitted for evaluation and approval simultaneously to TÜBİTAK and the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia. Unless both sides agree otherwise in writing, proposals will be independently evaluated and approved by each of the two Parties, following their own rules and regulations, and only those proposals which are approved by both Parties will be supported.
6.4. The execution period of a joint research project should not exceed two years.
6.5. Each scientific visit has to be reported by the Turkish scientists to TÜBİTAK and by the Serbian scientists to the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia one month in advance. The application must include a brief description of the work to be performed during the planned visit.
6.6. Within two months after completion of the execution period, a final report, presenting the work carried out and the results obtained, will be prepared in English jointly by the two research teams and submitted to the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia and TÜBİTAK.
6.7. Besides the financial support towards the exchange of project researchers mentioned above, the Parties may provide additional research funds to their respective project teams whenever they consider it appropriate. It is desirable but not essential to fund the two sides equally.
Article 7
Exchange of Individual Scientists and Experts (Short Term Visits)
In accordance with the provisions of the Article 2.2., the exchange of individual scientists will be implemented as follows:
7.1 Other than joint research projects, the Parties agree upon an annual quota of eight weeks for exchange of individual scientists and experts in each direction. The quota runs per calendar year and unused quota from one year cannot be transferred to the following year. The duration of the individual scientific visit should not be more than ten days.
7.2 Before proposing a scientific visit, the scientists of both Parties shall make the first contacts themselves; agree to cooperate on a specific topic. The sending Party shall supply the receiving Party with the information requested in the “Application Form for Short Term Visit” (Annex 1) at least two months prior to each visit. The receiving Party shall review, finalise and approve the programme.
7.3 Not later than one month after receipt of a nomination, the receiving Party has to inform the sending Party about the acceptance of the proposed candidate.
Article 8
Organization of Joint Meetings
In accordance with the provisions of the Article 2.3., organization of the joint meetings will be implemented as follows:
8.1 Proposals for scientific and technological symposia, conferences and workshops should include, at least, the following data:
a. name, title and affiliation of the proposer
b. his/her areas of specialization
c. title of the proposed workshop
d. the apparent mutual interest to the participating countries
e. names of counterparts abroad and their affiliations (relevant correspondence to be attached)
f. past and existing cooperation with counterparts abroad
g. proposed date and venue, etc. of the workshop.
8.2 Proposals for scientific and technological symposia, conferences and workshops shall be approved by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia and TÜBİTAK. Upon approval of a topic, a scientific coordinator will be appointed by each side to coordinate the scientific programme of the workshop.
8.3 The delegation from the sending Party should comprise of 6 to 10 scientists.
8.4 The sending Party will cover the international travel costs. The receiving Party will be responsible for the organization and full costs of the event and will cover full costs of stay for a period of up to 7 days.
Article 9
The costs of exchange of experts, scientists and other specialists, resulting from this Protocol, unless mutually agreed otherwise in writing, will be covered on the following basis:
9.1 The sending Party will meet all related costs connected with travel, lodging and allowances according to their own regulations and allowances.
9.2 The sending Party shall be responsible for the emergency health insurance of its scientists, including medical care.
Article 10
Dissemination of Resulting Information
10.1 Scientific and technological results and any other information derived from the co-operation activities under this Protocol, will be shared, announced, published or commercially exploited with the written consent of both cooperating partners and according to the international agreements concerning intellectual property rights to which states of the both Parties are signatories.
10.2 An agreement about ownership of intellectual property rights has to be signed between cooperating partners before execution of a joint research and development project. The said agreement shall be concluded in compliance with regulations of the Parties.
10.3 Scientists, technical experts and institutions of the third countries or international organisations may be invited, upon written consent of the both co-operating partners, to participate in projects and programmes being carried out under this Protocol. The cost of such participation shall normally be borne by third countries, unless both sides agree otherwise in writing.
Article 11
Implementation and Legal Aspects
11.1 This Protocol is concluded with a view to enhancing and developing cooperation between the Parties and does not constitute an agreement binding upon the States of the Parties under international law. No provision of this Protocol shall be interpreted and implemented as creating legal rights or commitments for the States of the Parties.
11.2 Any dispute related to the interpretation or implementation of this Protocol shall be settled through consultations within the Joint Committee or between the Parties.
11.3 With respect to the cooperation activities established under this Protocol, each Party shall take, in accordance with the respective legislations of their States, all necessary measures to ensure the best possible conditions for their implementation.
11.4 This Protocol shall not affect the validity or execution of any obligation arising from other international treaties or agreements concluded by the States of the Parties.
11.5 This Protocol may be amended at any time through mutual consent of the Parties, in writing.
Article 12
12.1 This Protocol shall enter into force on the date when it is signed by both Parties.
12.2. This Protocol shall remain in force for a period of five years and shall automatically be renewed for further periods of five years, unless either party notifies in writing its intentions to terminate this Protocol.
12.3. The termination will come into effect in six months from the date of the said notification. The termination of this Protocol shall not affect the projects or programmes undertaken under this Protocol and not fully executed at the time of the termination of this Protocol.
Signed in Belgrade on 7/10 19 in two original copies in English, both being equally authentic.
For the Ministry of Education, |
For the Scientific and |
1. Last name:
2. Name:
3. Name of research institution:
4. Contact telephones:
5. Specialization:
6. Term of the visit:
7. Place of destination:
8. Names of scientists/research institutions to be visited:
9. Programme of the visit:
10. Brief write up on the purpose of the visit and results to be expected:
11. Attach CV and list of publications of the visitor: