The Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Serbia and the Higher council for Youth and Sports of the State of Palestine, hereinafter refered to as "the Parties",
Bearing in mind the friendly and close relations between the two countries,
In order to strengthen and develop friendly relations through sportѕ and youth, for the benefit of both countries, with adherence to the national legislations and the general system applied in both countries,
Have agreed as follows:
Article 1
The Parties hereby express their will to establish sports and youth cooperation within the framework of their respective powers and competence, by fostering as a priority the exchange of expertise in:
- Institutional cooperation.
- The field of science and technology applied to sport.
- Sports medicine.
- The fight against negative phenomena in sports.
- The organization of sports events.
- The training of sports specialists and sport professionals.
- Programs for the support and encouragement of sports for the disabled.
- The protection of young practitioners of sports.
- The field of the women and sports.
- Sports infrastructure.
- Sports and youth tourism.
- Development and implementation of youth policy.
Article 2
In this spirit of cooperation, the Parties hereby agree:
1. To collect information and exchange points of view in the fields of sportѕ and youth through consultations on questions of mutual interest.
2. To provide information on the experience obtained in construction and utilization of sports facilities.
3. To exchange information, through periodical and other publications, related to sport and youth issues of common interest.
4. To provide information on seminars, congresses and other meetings in the fields of sport and youth that may be held in each country.
5. To interchange expertise in legislation, development of strategic documents for youth and sports, sports medicine, fight against negative phenomena in sports.
6. To support activities related with sports for all, municipal sports and channel the performance of these activities through the competent authorities.
7. To exchange of experiences related to youth programs and projects.
8. To exchange good practice in the field of informal education of young people, employability and youth entrepreneurship, healthy lifestyles and activism.
9. To support the exchange of activities through organizations in the field of sports and youth organizations;
10. To invite representatives of the Parties to participate in courses, seminars, symposiums, congresses, festivals and events in the fields of sport and youth organized in Parties, which are of common interest.
Article 3
The Parties shall exchange visits in order to strengthen cooperation in the field of sports and youth tourism by linking the representatives of national institutions from two countries to be present at sport and youth manifestations and competitions organized by each of the countries with the aim to exchange experience in the field of sports and youth tourism and to enhance development of the sector for sports and youth tourism in two countries.
Article 4
The Parties shall support cooperation in the fields of sport and youth policy within international organizations and institutions for the sake of the exchange of information and implementation of joint projects.
Article 5
In order to implement this memorandum, contracting parties shall encourage holding of meetings of their representatives, exchange of letters, or other instruments of cooperation.
Article 6
Each Party shall bear its own expenses for the implementation of this Memorandum, including all costs of transportation, meals, and accommodation incurred during meetings unless otherwise agreed by Parties.
Depending on the availability of the budget, the Parties may agree to apply different financial terms.
Article 7
The present Memorandum may be amended when necessary by mutual consent of the Parties. Such amendments shall be made in writing, signed and dated by the Parties. Any amendment will come into effect on such a date as may be mutually agreed upon by the Parties and will form the integral part of this Memorandum.
Article 8
Differences which may arise from the interpretation or application of this Memorandum shall be settled by consultations between the Parties, via diplomatic channels.
Article 9
The present Memorandum will come into effect on the day of its signing.
The Memorandum will stay in effect for a period of four years and will be automatically renewed for the next four-year period, unless one of the Parties will inform the other through diplomatic channels about its intentions to terminate it within six months prior the expiration date.
The termination of this Memorandum will not affect the validity of any ongoing activity under the Memorandum until the completion of such activity, unless agreed otherwise.
Done at Belgrade, on January 9th 2020, in two original copies, in the Serbian, Arabic and English languages, all texts being equally authentic. In case of differences in interpretation, the English text shall prevail.
On behalf |
On behalf |