LAWON CITIZENSHIP OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA ("Off Herald of RS", Nos. 135/2004, 90/2007 and 24/2018) |
Article 1
The Citizens of the Republic of Serbia hold citizenship of the Republic of Serbia.
Article 2
Citizenship of the Republic of Serbia is acquired or terminated in the way determined herein.
Art. 3 and 4
Article 5
A citizen of the Republic of Serbia holding also a citizenship of a foreign state shall be considered a citizen of the Republic of Serbia when he is in the territory of the Republic of Serbia.
Article 6
Citizenship of the Republic of Serbia shall be acquired by:
1) Descent;
2) Birth in the territory of the Republic of Serbia;
3) Admission;
4) Pursuant to international treaties.
By descent and by birth in the territory of the Republic of Serbia, the citizenship of the Republic of Serbia shall be acquired on the basis of inscription of citizenship in the register of births.
By admission, the citizenship of the Republic of Serbia shall be acquired pursuant to a final decision made by the ministry competent for internal affairs after the finalized procedure provided by this law.
1. Acquiring of Citizenship by Descent
Article 7
Citizenship of the Republic of Serbia by descent shall be acquired by a child:
1) Whose both parents, at the moment of his birth, are citizens of the Republic of Serbia;
2) Whose one parent, at the moment of his birth, is the citizen of the Republic of Serbia and the child is born in the territory of the Republic of Serbia;
3) Born abroad, whose one parent, at the moment of his birth, is the citizen of the Republic of Serbia and the other is unknown or of unknown citizenship or without citizenship.
Article 8
Article 9
Citizenship of the Republic of Serbia by descent shall be acquired by a child born abroad, whose one parent at the moment of his birth, is the citizen of the Republic of Serbia and the other is a foreign citizen, if the parent who is citizen of the Republic of Serbia registers him until the age of 18 in the competent diplomatic or consular office of the Republic of Serbia as the citizen of the Republic of Serbia, and if such parent files an application with a competent state body in the Republic of Serbia for child’s registration in the register of citizens. If the child is under guardianship, the registration and application shall be done by the guardian.
A child born abroad, whose one of the parents at the moment of his birth is the citizen of the Republic of Serbia, shall acquire the citizenship of the Republic of Serbia by descent in case such child is left without citizenship, even if the conditions from paragraph 1 of this Article have not been met.
If a child is older than fourteen, his consent is needed for acquiring citizenship pursuant to the paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article.
Article 10
A person older than eighteen, born abroad, whose one parent, at the moment of his birth, was the citizen of the Republic of Serbia, and the other is a foreign citizen, shall acquire citizenship of the Republic of Serbia by descent, if by the age of 23, files a request for inscription into the register of citizens with the competent authority in the Republic of Serbia, provided that such person has not acquired citizenship of the Republic of Serbia in the way provided by Article 9 paragraph 1 of this Law.
Article 11
An adoptee - foreigner, i.e. adoptee without citizenship, in case of full adoption, shall also acquire the citizenship of the Republic of Serbia by descent under conditions set by Articles 7 to 10 of this Law.
The application for inscription of the adoptee from the para. 1 of this Article in the register of citizens shall be submitted by the adopter - citizen of the Republic of Serbia.
The application from paragraph 2 оf this Article shall be submitted by the adoptee who is older than 18 until he is 23 years old.
Article 12
A child, i.e. a person from Art. 7-11 of this Law, who acquires citizenship by descent, shall be considered a citizen of the Republic of Serbia since his birth.
2. Acquiring of Citizenship by Birth in the Territory of the Republic of Serbia
Article 13
A child born or found in the territory of the Republic of Serbia (foundling) shall acquire citizenship of the Republic of Serbia by birth if both his parents are unknown or of unknown citizenship or without citizenship of if the child is without citizenship.
A child that acquired citizenship of the Republic of Serbia pursuant to paragraph 1 of this Article shall be considered a citizen of the Republic of Serbia since his birth.
Citizenship of the Republic of Serbia of the child from paragraph 1 of this Article may be terminated if by the age of 18 it would be established that both his parents are foreign citizens. His citizenship shall be terminated at request of parents on the day of serving of the decision.
If the child is older than 14, his consent shall be necessary for termination of citizenship of the Republic of Serbia.
3. Acquiring of Citizenship by Admission
Article 14
A foreigner who, in line with the regulations on movement and residence of foreigners, was allowed to permanently reside in the Republic of Serbia can, upon his own request, be admitted to citizenship of the Republic of Serbia if:
1) He is 18 years old and not deprived of legal capacity;
2) He is released from foreign citizenship or submits the evidence that the release shall be granted in case of admission to citizenship of the Republic of Serbia;
3) That he has had uninterrupted domicile in the territory of the Republic of Serbia prior to filing of the application for at least three years;
4) He submits a written statement that he sees the Republic of Serbia as his own state.
The condition from item 2, paragraph 1 of this Article shall be fulfilled if an application was submitted by a person without citizenship or a person offering proof that, pursuant to the laws of the country whose citizenship he has, the citizenship shall be terminated by admission to citizenship of the Republic of Serbia.
If the foreign country does not allow the release from citizenship or sets conditions for release that the foreigner cannot fulfill, the fulfillment of conditions from item 2 paragraph 1 of this Article shall not be requested if the applicant submits a declaration renouncing foreign citizenship in case of acquiring citizenship of the Republic of Serbia.
Renouncing or loss of previous citizenship shall not be requested if that is not possible or cannot be reasonably expected.
The form of the written statement from paragraph 1 item 4 of this Article shall be prescribed by the minister in charge of internal affairs.
Article 15
A foreigner who submitted a request for admission to citizenship of the Republic of Serbia and who does not have a release from foreign citizenship or proof that he will receive release if admitted to citizenship of the Republic of Serbia, can, at his own request, be issued a certificate attesting that he will be admitted to citizenship of the Republic of Serbia if he meets other conditions from Article 14 paragraph 1 of this Law.
The certificate from paragraph 1 of this Article shall be issued with a validity term of two years and is intended for obtaining a release from foreign citizenship.
Article 16
A person born in the territory of the Republic of Serbia can be admitted to citizenship of the Republic of Serbia if until submitting of application for admission, such person has been residing uninterruptedly in the territory of the Republic of Serbia for at least two years, and if he submits written statement that he sees the Republic of Serbia his state.
Article 17
A foreigner who has been married to the citizen of the Republic of Serbia for at least three years and who was approved for permanent domicile in the Republic of Serbia can be admitted to citizenship of the Republic of Serbia if he submits a written statement that he considers the Republic of Serbia his own state.
Article 18
An emigrant and his descendant can be admitted to citizenship of the Republic of Serbia if they are 18 or older and if they have not been deprived of legal capacity and if they submit a written statement that they consider the Republic of Serbia their own state.
A marital partner of the person from paragraph 1 of this Article who acquired citizenship of the Republic of Serbia may be admitted to citizenship of the Republic of Serbia if he submits a written statement that he considers the Republic of Serbia his own state.
A person who has emigrated from the Republic of Serbia with intention to reside permanently abroad shall be considered an emigrant, pursuant paragraph 1 of this Article.
Article 19
Irrespective of the conditions from the Article 14 paragraph 1 it. 2 - 4 of this Law, even a foreigner, whose admission to citizenship of the Republic of Serbia would be of interest for the Republic of Serbia, can be admitted to citizenship of the Republic of Serbia
A spouse of a person, who on conditions pursuant to the paragraph 1 of this Article acquired citizenship of the Republic of Serbia, can be admitted to citizenship of the Republic of Serbia even if he does not fulfill the conditions from the Article 14, paragraph 1, it. 2 to 4 of this Law.
The Government of the Republic of Serbia, on a motion of the competent ministry, shall decide about admission to citizenship of the Republic of Serbia referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article.
Article 20
If both parents acquired citizenship of the Republic of Serbia by admission, their child, younger than 18, shall acquire citizenship of the Republic of Serbia too.
At the request of the parent who acquired citizenship of the Republic of Serbia by admission, his child, who is less than 18 years old, shall acquire citizenship of the Republic of Serbia too if the other parent agrees with that and if the child lives in the Republic of Serbia.
At the request of a parent who acquired citizenship of the Republic of Serbia by admission, his child who is less than 18 years old shall acquire citizenship of the Republic of Serbia too, if the other parent agrees with that and if the child lives abroad.
If the child is older than 14 years of age, for admission to citizenship pursuant para. 1 to 3 of this Article, his consent is also necessary.
Article 21
In case of simple adoption, the adoptee - a foreigner who is less than 18 years old, at the request of his adopter who is a citizen of the Republic of Serbia, can acquire citizenship of the Republic of Serbia if he lives with his adopter in the Republic of Serbia.
If the adoptee is older than 14 years of age, his consent is also necessary for admission to citizenship of the Republic of Serbia.
Article 22
Article 23
A member of Serbian people who is does not have a domicile in the territory of the Republic of Serbia shall be entitled to admission to citizenship of the Republic of Serbia without release from foreign citizenship, if he is 18 years of age and older and if he was not deprived of legal capacity and if he submits a written statement that he considers the Republic of Serbia his state.
Subject to conditions defined in the paragraph 1 of this Article, a person born in another republic of former SFRY who had citizenship of that republic or is a citizen of another state created in the territory of former SFRY, who residing in the territory of the Republic of Serbia as a refugee, a banished or displaced person, or who is a refugee abroad, can be admitted to citizenship of the Republic of Serbia.
A member of some other people or ethnic group from the territory of the Republic of Serbia can be admitted to citizenship of the Republic of Serbia in line with conditions of paragraph 1 of this Article.
Article 24
A written statement recognizing the Republic of Serbia for one’s state is to be submitted together with the application for admission to citizenship of the Republic of Serbia to the ministry competent for internal affairs or to the competent diplomatic mission or consular office of the Republic of Serbia, in the way prescribed by this Law.
4. Date of Citizenship Acquisition by Admission
Article 25
Citizenship of the Republic of Serbia shall be acquired by admission on the day of serving of the decision on admission to citizenship of the Republic of Serbia.
When, for acquiring citizenship of the Republic of Serbia by admission, the only condition is a statement of recognition of the Republic of Serbia for its own state, citizenship of the Republic of Serbia shall be acquired on the day when the statement is made.
5. Acquiring of Citizenship under International Treaties
Article 26
Citizenship of the Republic of Serbia can be acquired pursuant to a ratified international treaty, on condition of reciprocity.
Article 27
Citizenship of the Republic of Serbia shall terminate by:
1) Release;
2) Renunciation;
3) Under international treaties.
1. Termination of Citizenship by Release
Article 28
The citizenship of Republic of Serbia of a citizen of the Republic of Serbia shall terminate by release if he applies for release and if he fulfills the following conditions:
1) That he is 18 years of age and older;
2) That there are no obstacles in regard to military service;
3) That he settled the taxes and other legal liabilities in the Republic of Serbia;
4) That he regulated property-legal obligations from matrimonial relations and relations between parents and children, with the persons living in the Republic of Serbia;
5) That there are no criminal proceedings against him in the Republic of Serbia for crimes prosecuted ex officio, and if he was convicted to imprisonment in the Republic of Serbia - that he served such a sentence;
6) That he has foreign citizenship or proof that he shall be admitted to foreign citizenship.
Article 29
Release from citizenship of the Republic of Serbia shall not be granted if that is necessary for the reasons of security or defense of the country, for a reason of reciprocity or when that is requested by economic interests of the Republic of Serbia.
Article 30
A citizen of the Republic of Serbia who filed the application for release from citizenship of the Republic of Serbia may demand in the same application that his children under the age of 18 are also released from citizenship of the Republic of Serbia. Consent of the other parent must be attached to the application for child’s release from citizenship of the Republic of Serbia. If the child is over 14 of age, his consent shall be attached as well.
If the parents are divorced, the application for child’s release from citizenship of the Republic of Serbia may only be submitted by a parent who has custody established by a final court judgment.
If the other parent fails to give his approval for release of the child from citizenship of the Republic of Serbia, or has unknown domicile, or has been deprived of legal capacity or parental right, the application for release of the child from citizenship of the Republic of Serbia shall be accepted if that is, in the opinion of the competent social services, in the child’s best interest.
Article 31
In the case of full adoption, the citizenship of the Republic of Serbia of the adoptee prior to his age of 18 shall terminate if the application for termination of citizenship is submitted by the adopter who is either a foreigner or adopter who applied for release from citizenship of the Republic of Serbia and if the requirements from the Article 30 of this Law are met.
The citizenship of the Republic of Serbia of the child referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall not be terminated if that would leave him without citizenship.
Article 32
If a person who received release from citizenship of the Republic of Serbia does not acquire foreign citizenship within one year from the date of adoption of the decision on release, and if such person is left without citizenship, the authority which adopted the decision shall cancel it at the written request of such a person.
Application for cancellation of the decision on release from citizenship of the Republic of Serbia can be submitted within three months upon expiry of the time limit referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article.
2. Termination of Citizenship by Renunciation
Article 33
An adult citizen of the Republic of Serbia who is born and is living abroad, and also has a foreign citizenship, can renounce the citizenship of the Republic of Serbia by the age of 25.
With regard to renunciation of citizenship of a child prior to the age of 18, the provisions of the Article 30 of this Law shall be applied mutatis mutandis.
3. Reacquisition of Citizenship of the Republic of Serbia
Article 34
A person released from citizenship of the Republic of Serbia, who acquired foreign citizenship and a person whose citizenship of the Republic of Serbia was terminated at the request of parents, by release or renouncing, shall be eligible for reacquisition of citizenship of the Republic of Serbia if he files an application for reacquisition of the citizenship of the Republic of Serbia, provided that he is 18 and older and not deprived of legal capacity, and if he submits a written statement that he considers the Republic of Serbia as his own state.
Article 35
5. Termination of Citizenship Pursuant to International Treaties
Article 36
Citizenship of the Republic of Serbia can be terminated pursuant to a ratified international treaty.
6. Day of Termination of Citizenship
Article 37
Citizenship of the Republic of Serbia shall terminate on the day of serving of the decision on release from citizenship of the Republic of Serbia and in case of termination of citizenship by renunciation - on the day of making a statement on renunciation.
Article 38
The ministry in charge of internal affairs shall decide on the applications for acquisition of citizenship of the Republic of Serbia by admission and on applications for termination of citizenship of the Republic of Serbia.
Procedure for deciding on applications for acquisition and termination of citizenship of the Republic of Serbia, conducted by the ministry competent for internal affairs shall be urgent.
Article 39
Application for acquisition and termination of citizenship of the Republic of Serbia shall be submitted to the internal affairs authority according to the place of domicile, i.e. residence of the applicant, but can also be submitted through a competent diplomatic mission or consular office of the Republic of Serbia which shall immediately forward it to the ministry in charge of internal affairs.
Application for acquisition and termination of citizenship of the Republic of Serbia shall be made personally or through a proxy.
For a person deprived of legal capacity, an application shall be submitted by his guardian.
For a child younger than 18 the application for acquisition or termination of citizenship shall be submitted by a parent, i.e. it is a parent who gives a written statement that he considers the Republic of Serbia his own state.
If the child is older than 14, his consent is necessary for acquisition or termination of citizenship of the Republic of Serbia.
Article 40
If the procedure for acquisition or termination of citizenship of the Republic of Serbia, initiated at the request of an applicant, cannot be continued or completed without certain action by the applicant, it shall be considered that the application has been withdrawn, if, even after the warning of the ministry competent for internal affairs, the applicant fails to carry out the action necessary for continuation or completion of the procedure with the given time limit or if for failure to carry out such action it can be concluded that he is no more interested in continuation of the procedure.
For the reasons stated in the paragraph 1 of this Article a procedure can be suspended upon expiry of three months from the day of warning, i.e. six months if the applicant resides abroad.
Article 41
The ministry competent for internal affairs can reject the application for acquisition of citizenship of the Republic of Serbia by admission or for termination of citizenship of the Republic of Serbia, although the conditions prescribed by this Law are fulfilled, if it estimates that there are reasons in the interest of the Republic of Serbia, for which such an application for acquisition or termination of citizenship should be rejected.
Article 42
Release from citizenship of the Republic of Serbia shall not be granted, i.e. renunciation from citizenship of the Republic of Serbia shall not be accepted in the course of state of war, an immediate threat of war or state of emergency.
Article 43
The decision on acquisition and termination of citizenship of the Republic of Serbia shall be submitted in line with regulations of mandatory serving in person.
The ministry competent for internal affairs shall serve the final decision on acquisition or termination of citizenship of the Republic of Serbia immediately on the authority competent for citizens’ records.
Article 44
For a person who acquired citizenship of the Republic of Serbia and is not recorded in the register of births or records of citizens of the Republic of Serbia that are kept in line with the hitherto regulations, the ministry competent for internal affairs shall determine citizenship of that person at his request, i.e. at the request of the competent authority that conducts a procedure related to implementation of a right of such person or ex officio.
Regarding the establishment of citizenship of the Republic of Serbia, the ministry competent for internal affairs shall adopt a decision.
The person whose citizenship of the Republic of Serbia has been established shall be inscribed in the register of citizens of the Republic of Serbia that is kept pursuant to the provisions of this Law.
Article 45
If the Ministry competent for internal affairs in the course of procedure, finds out that certain person acquired citizenship of the Republic of Serbia or his citizenship of the Republic of Serbia terminated contrary to the regulations on citizenship, valid at the time of acquisition or termination citizenship, especially pursuant to a false or forged document or statement, based on inaccurate facts or other abuse and irregularity in the conducted procedure, i.e. that such a person is inscribed in the register of citizens of the Republic of Serbia, it shall adopt a decision to annul the acquisition or termination of citizenship of the Republic of Serbia of that person, i.e. to annul the inscription of such a person in the register of citizens of the Republic of Serbia.
The decision on acquisition and termination of citizenship of the Republic of Serbia may not be annulled if the person referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article would be left without citizenship.
The Ministry competent for internal affairs shall serve the decision on annulment of acquisition and termination of citizenship of the Republic of Serbia, i.e. on annulment of inscription in the register of citizens of the Republic of Serbia, on the authority competent for keeping of records for the purpose of deletion i.e. inscription in the register of citizens of the Republic of Serbia.
Article 46
The records of citizens of the Republic of Serbia shall be kept in the registers of birth.
Citizenship of the Republic of Serbia shall be inscribed in the register of births in conformity with this Law and regulations on birth registers.
The records on citizens of the Republic of Serbia shall be kept by the authority competent for keeping the birth register as the delegated duty.
Citizens of the Republic of Serbia who were not born in the territory of the Republic of Serbia but have a domicile, i.e. residence there, shall be inscribed in the register of births according to the place of domicile i.e. residence.
Citizens of the Republic of Serbia who were neither born in the territory of the Republic of Serbia nor have a domicile i.e. residence there, shall be inscribed in the register of births in a municipality in the territory of the city of Belgrade, one determined by the Assembly of the city of Belgrade.
Additionally, the descendants of the emigrants born abroad, as well as their spouses born abroad, shall be inscribed in the birth register of the city community referred to in paragraph 5 of this Article.
Article 47
Citizenship of the Republic of Serbia shall be proved by the extract from the register of births, certificate of citizenship and when abroad - by a valid traveling document.
Article 48
Certificate of citizenship shall be a legal instrument used to prove citizenship of the Republic of Serbia and shall be issued pursuant to the data from the records of citizens of the Republic of Serbia, only at personal request.
The records referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall include the register of births, register of citizens of the Republic of Serbia that were kept in line with regulations which were in force until the entry into force of this Law and other records of citizens kept in the Republic of Serbia.
An authorized person in terms of the regulations on civil registers may issue a certificate of citizenship of the Republic of Serbia using the records referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article, regardless of the place of entry in the records of citizens of the Republic of Serbia.
Forms of the certificate of citizenship of the Republic of Serbia shall be technically prepared and printed by the National Bank of Serbia - The Institute for Manufacturing Banknotes and Coins - Topčider.
The regulations on the manner of inscribing the facts concerning citizenship in the birth register, on forms for keeping the registers of decisions concerning acquisition and termination of citizenship and on the form of certificate of citizenship shall be enacted by the minister competent for internal affairs.
Article 49
Registers of citizens of the Republic of Serbia kept pursuant to the regulations that were in force until the entry into force of this Law shall be closed for new entries starting from the day of beginning of application of this Law.
Exceptionally from paragraph 1 of this Article, the register of citizens kept by the ministry competent for internal affairs shall close upon inscription of persons for whom the decisions on acquisition of citizenship of the Republic of Serbia were adopted until the day of beginning of application of this Law.
Pursuant to the data in the registers of citizens referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, the competent authority shall issue certificates on citizenship at the request of the interested parties and enter the modifications of facts and data in those registers.
Article 49a
Data from the records of citizens of the Republic of Serbia referred to in Article 48, paragraph 2 of this Law shall be kept and stored in unified records, in electronic form and the means for automatic data processing, in accordance with this Law and regulations on civil registers.
The records of citizens of the Republic of Serbia referred to in Article 48, paragraph 2 of this Law, which are kept on means for electronic processing, storage and keeping of data shall be unified and contain the following data: name, surname, previous names and surnames, gender, date, place and municipality of birth, unique personal identification number, domicile, residence abroad, previous citizenship, the basis for inscription of the facts of citizenship, the date of adoption and serving and the number of the decision on acquiring and termination of citizenship of the Republic of Serbia, the date of acquiring i.e. terminating of citizenship of the Republic Serbia, unique personal identification number for both parents i.e. guardians, the names and surnames of both parents i.e. guardians, previous names and surnames of both parents i.e. guardians and citizenship of both parents i.e. guardians.
The records of citizens of the Republic of Serbia shall be kept permanently.
Article 49b
The competent authority shall provide data from the unified register to other users only if they are authorized by law to use such data or upon request, i.e. with the consent of the person to whom such data relates.
Article 50
Supervising the keeping of records of citizens of the Republic of Serbia shall be done by the ministry competent for internal affairs.
Article 51
A person who acquired citizenship of the Republic of Serbia in line with the hitherto regulations shall be considered a citizen of the Republic of Serbia in terms of this Law.
Article 52
A citizen of the SFRY, who on the day on February 27th 2005 has had citizenship of another republic of the former SFRY, i.e. citizenship of another state created in the territory of the former SFRY and a registered domicile in the territory of the Republic of Serbia for the duration of at least nine years, shall also be considered a citizen of the Republic of Serbia in terms of this Law, if he submits a written statement that he considered himself a citizen of the Republic of Serbia, and an application for inscription in the records of citizens of the Republic of Serbia.
A citizen of Montenegro, who on June 3rd, 2006 has had a registered domicile in the territory of the Republic of Serbia, shall also be considered a citizen of the Republic of Serbia in terms of this Law, if he submits a written statement that he considers himself a citizen of the Republic of Serbia, and an application for inscription in the records of citizens of the Republic of Serbia.
Written statement and application referred to in paras. 1 and 2 of this Article shall be submitted to the authority of internal affairs at whose area the applicant has domicile.
The internal affairs authority, without adoption of a decision, shall issue to the competent authority a written order for entering into the records of citizens of the Republic of Serbia of a person established to have fulfilled conditions defined by the paras. 1 and 2 of this Article. A person, for whom it was found out that the requirements have not been met, shall be rejected by a decision.
The statement and application defined in the paras. 1 and 2 of this Article can be submitted within five years from the day of entry into force of this Law.
Article 53
Procedure for ruling on the applications for acquisition and termination of citizenship of the Republic of Serbia, initiated before the day of beginning of application of this Law, shall be completed pursuant to the provisions of this Law.
Article 54
The regulations referred to in Article 14, paragraph 5, Article 46, paragraph 5 and Article 48, paragraph 4 of this Law shall be enacted within 60 days from the day of entering into force of this Law.
Article 55
On the day of beginning of application of this Law, the Law on Yugoslav Citizenship ("Official Gazette of FRY", Nos. 33/96 and 9/01) and the Law on Citizenship of the Socialist Republic of Serbia ("Official Herald of SRS", Nos. 45/79 and 13/83) shall be repealed.
Article 56
This Law shall enter into force on the eighth day from the day of publishing in the "Official Herald of the Republic Serbia", аnd shall begin to be applied upon expiry of 60 days from the day of its entry into force.
Independent Articles of the Law on Amendments and Additions to the Law on Citizenship of the Republic of Serbia
("Off. Herald of RS", No. 90/2007)
Article 18
Application for admission to citizenship pursuant to the Article 23 paragraph 3 of this Law can be submitted within two years from the day of entry into force of this Law.
Article 19
The procedure for ruling on the application for acquisition and termination of citizenship of the Republic of Serbia initiated before the day of entry into force of this Law, shall be completed in compliance with the provisions of this Law.
Article 20
The minister competent for internal affairs shall harmonize the secondary legislation enacted pursuant to the Law on Citizenship of the Republic of Serbia ("Official Herald of RS", No. 135/04) with the present Law within 60 days from the day of entry into force of this Law.
Article 21
This Law shall enter into force on the eighth day from the day of publishing in the "Official Herald of the Republic of Serbia".
Independent Articles of the Law on Additions to the Law on Citizenship of the Republic of Serbia
("Off. Herald of RS", No. 24/2018)
Article 3
A citizen of the SFRY or a citizen of another republic of the former SFRY, i.e. a citizen of another state that has been established in the territory of the SFRY, who, on 31 December 2016 and on the day of filing the application, has had a registered domicile in the Republic of Serbia may be admitted to citizenship of the Republic of Serbia.
The application for acquiring citizenship may be submitted within one year from the day of entry into force of this Law.
Article 4
The establishment and keeping of records of citizens of the Republic of Serbia in electronic form shall be provided no later than 30 June 2018.
Unified records of citizens of the Republic of Serbia shall be established on the basis of data referred to in Article 48, paragraph 2 of the Law on Citizenship of the Republic of Serbia ("Official Herald of RS", Nos. 135/04 and 90/07).
Article 5
Issuing of certificates on the form printed by the National Bank of Serbia - The Institute for Manufacturing Banknotes and Coins - Topčider shall begin as of 1 January 2019.
Article 6
This Law shall enter into force on the eighth day from the day of publishing in the "Official Herald of the Republic of Serbia".