The Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Serbia and the Costa Rican Institute of Sports and Recreation (hereinafter referred to as "Parties"),
In order to strengthen and develop friendly relations in sports, for the benefit of both countries, in accordance with the national legislation of the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Costa Rica,
Have agreed as follows:
Article 1
The Parties hereby express their will to establish sports cooperation within the framework of their respective powers and competence, by strengthening the exchange of technical knowledge in:
- Institutional cooperation.
- The field of science and technology applied to sports.
- Sports Medicine.
- The fight against negative phenomena in sports.
- The organization of sports events.
- The training in specialized sports.
- Programs for the support and assistance of sports for the disabled.
- Sports for all.
- Sports infrastructure.
- Sports tourism.
Article 2
In this spirit of cooperation, the undersigned Parties hereby agree:
1. To consult, collect and exchange information and points of view in the field of sports through consultations on questions of mutual interest.
2. To provide information on the experience obtained in planning and building of sports facilities and installation of sports equipment.
3. To exchange information, through journals and other publications, related to sports issues of common interests.
4. To provide information on seminars, congresses and other meetings in the field of sports which are held in each country.
5. To support activities related to sports for all, sports in the framework of sustainable development, municipal sports and to channel the performance of those activities through the competent authorities.
6. To support exchange of activities through the various national sports organizations.
Article 3
The Parties foresee the following forms of sports cooperation:
1. Exchange of sports specialists and experts with the purpose of mutual training and interchange of expertise.
2. Participation in meetings, seminars, symposia and congresses in the field of sports organized in each country, which are of common interest.
3. Collaboration in the training of personnel for technical, professional and administrative functions in sports areas.
4. Participation of delegations from both countries in sports events organized in the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Costa Rica, respectively.
Article 4
The Parties will exchange visits in order to strengthen cooperation in the field of sports tourism by inviting the representatives of national institutions from two countries to be present at sports exhibitions and events organized by each of the Parties with the aim to exchange experience in the field of sports tourism and to enhance development of the sector for sports tourism in two countries.
Article 5
The Parties shall encourage cooperation in the field of sports within their organizations and institutions for the sake of the exchange of information and implementation of joint projects.
Article 6
All measures provided by the present Memorandum will be funded in accordance with availability of each Party and in accordance with the laws of both countries.
Article 7
The present Memorandum shall enter into force from the day of its signing by the Parties and shall be valid for a period of one year. This Memorandum will be automatically extended for successive periods of up to four years, unless either Party expresses, three months prior to the date of its termination, its intention in writing to terminate this Memorandum.
Article 8
The present Memorandum will be amended upon mutual consent of the Parties and the signed document will be an integral part of this Memorandum.
Article 9
Any disputes arising out of the interpretation or implementation of this Memorandum shall be settled by consultation between Parties through diplomatic channels; in case no agreement is reached, this Memorandum will be considered terminated.
Signed in San Jose, day 9th, month August of 2022, in two originals each in Serbian, Spanish and English, all texts being equally authentic. In case of any inconsistency in interpretation, the English version shall prevail.
For the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Serbia |
For the Costa Rican Institute of Sports and Recreation |