The Ministry of European integration of the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Secretariat for European affairs of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia (Hereinafter referred to as the: "the Parties"),
With respect to Article 3 of the Agreement for Cooperation between the Government of Republic of Serbia and the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia in the context of the accession process to the European Union,
Recognizing the Thessaloniki Declaration which confirmed the individual European perspective of all the countries of the Stabilization an Association Process, and that the regional cooperation and good neighborly relations remain essential elements of the enlargement and the Stabilization and Association Process,
Based on the Council conclusions on enlargement and stabilisation and association process, of March 2020, which opened the accession negotiations with North Macedonia as well as Commission Communication endorsed by the Council, "Enhancing the accession process - A credible EU perspective for the Western Balkans" (2020) which proposes changes to reinvigorate the process based on four principles: more credibility, a stronger political steer, a more dynamic process, and greater predictability,
Taking in consideration start of the accession negotiations process and opening of the Inter-governmental Conference for Serbia on 21 January 2014, and for North Macedonia on 19 July 2022,
Reaffirming and strengthening bilateral relations and promoting continuous cooperation in the fields of mutual interest, in particular in the area of European Integration, with the focus on the EU accession negotiations.
Reiterating their shared commitment to further developing the good-neighborliness, friendship and cooperation between the two countries,
Deeply convinced of the need for furthering the close cooperation on the basis of mutual respect, trust, understanding, good neighborly and mutual respect for the interests of their countries and citizens,
Have agreed as follows:
Article 1
The Parties shall be fully committed to promote mutual cooperation in the field of European integration aimed at successful preparation of the Republic of Serbia and Republic of North Macedonia to join the European Union as fully-fledged members.
The parties shall cooperate for raising the public awareness of the European values as a shared interest in their bilateral relations.
Article 2
The Parties shall cooperate in undertaking activities in the area of European Integration and EU negotiation process, in particular:
1. Cooperation in general, in the process of accession into the European Union, including the process of Stabilisation and Association and accession negotiations;
2. Exchange of knowledge, experience and practice of the negotiation process, between negotiators and group for negotiation, as well as other experts involved into the accession negotiations,
3. Exchange of information and know-how for the harmonization of national legislation with the EU legislation, ensuring its effective alignment, implementation and enforcement of national legislation with the EU Acquis,
4. Exchange of expertise and experience among relevant ministries and respective agencies, in the implementation of the European Union policies across the clusters, with a view to mutually assist one another in the respective European path,
5. Exchange of expertise and experience in fundamental areas of rule of law, in particular judicial reform and the fight against corruption and organized crime, fundamental rights, functioning of democratic institutions and public administration reform, as well as economic criteria,
6. Exchange of expertise and experience as well as development of joint cross border and bilateral programmes and projects for addressing the targets set in the Green Agenda and SDGs in particular in the areas such as decarbonisation, climate change mitigation, circular economy, depollution, sustainable agriculture and protection of nature and biodiversity,
7. Strengthening of the institutional structures and administrative capacities needed for fulfilling criteria and assuming obligations of EU Membership, i.e. ensuring implementation of laws as well as preparation and stimulation of the professional skills of the state officials and civil servants responsible for European affairs,
8. Exchange of information and know-how on institution building and administrative capacities needed for fulfilling criteria and assuming obligations of EU Membership,
9. Establishing of procedures for exchange of experiance in coordination of the translation of the EU acquis and creation of the national version of the acquis,
10. Exchange and joint measures to increase effectiveness of screening and negotiation process and related arrangements,
11. Exchange of information and know-how on financial support of the European Union, in particular of:
a. Exchange of information and experience in the planning, programming, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of IPA National programs;
b. Exchange of information and experience in the implementation of transnational and regional joint programs;
c. Exchange of information for participation in Union programs and Union Agencies;
d. Exchange of information for joint participation in accelerated integration for EU financial instruments/funds.
12. Exchange of information regarding the Communication Strategy of European Integration to the general public in the process of integration to the European Union.
For the implementation of the cooperation in the above-mentioned areas of cooperation, the Parties will jointly develop and adopt relevant Plan of activities, or if necessary Plans of activities in all six clusters in line with the New accession negotiations methodology.
Article 3
Methods and means of cooperation
The Parties shall cooperate in the areas referred to in Article 2, using the following means and methods in its realization:
1. Meetings of Chief Negotiators, and their respective negotiation teams, convened on regular intervals (at least once per year), steering the implementation of the Memorandum for Cooperation and approving the Plans of activities;
2. Joint Working group, consisted of ten experts from each side (six clusters, IB expert, EU assistance expert, translation expert, communication expert), established for organisation and operationalization of the envisaged activities with this Memorandum;
3. Each party shall appoint a co-secretary of the Working Group and Minutes shall be prepared for each meeting by the party hosting the meeting;
4. Meetings of the Working Group shall be held at least once a year or as agreed by the parties,
5. Organisation of joint events, meetings, workshops, trainings and round tables in order to pursue the goals of this Memorandum;
6. Conduct of joint consultations, initiatives and activities in promoting the achievements of both Parties in the field of European Affairs;
7. Exchange of civil servants between institutions of both countries in the context of European Integration.
Article 4
Nothing in this Memorandum of Cooperation shall impede the existing or future Agreements or Memorandums concluded between the parties. This Memorandum of Cooperation does not affect the rights and obligations of the Parties under any International Agreement or Memorandum.
Article 5
The financing of implementation of the Memorandum of Cooperation shall be carried out by each Party in accordance with its national legislation and administrative provisions and within its competence and available resources.
In addition, the Parties shall examine the possibility of funding the Plans of activities by using the EU mechanisms of institutional cooperation and funding, or by other international donor support.
Article 6
This Memorandum of Cooperation shall enter into force on the date of signature by both parties.
This Memorandum of Cooperation may be amended at any time by mutual consent of both Contracting Parties in writing. Amendments shall enter into force in accordance with the provision of paragraph 1 above. This Memorandum has been concluded for an unlimited period of time.
Either Contracting Party may terminate this Memorandum of Cooperation at any time by written notification to the other Contracting Party through diplomatic channels. In such a case the Memorandum of Cooperation shall terminate after the expiration of six (6) months from the date on which the other Contracting Party has received the termination notice.
Signed in...., the Republic of...., on..... 2023, in two originals, each in the Serbian, Macedonian and English languages, and all texts being equally authentic.
Ministry for European |
Secretariat for European Affairs |
Ms. Tanja MIŠČEVIĆ |