Having regard to the Treaty establishing the Transpon Community, and in particular Article 24(1) and Article 30 thereof,
Sole Article
The rules on the education allowance for the Transport Community Permanent Secretariat, attached to this Decision, are hereby adopted.
For the Regional Steering Committee
The President
Ljubinka Ivanovic
Rules on
Education allowance for the Transport Community Permanent Secretariat
1. Definitions
1.1 ‘Secretariat’ means the Permanent Secretariat of the Transport Community.
1.2 ‘Director’ means the Director of the Secretariat.
1.3 ‘Staff members’ means all officials of the Secretariat, namely the Director and Deputy Directors and all other staff from the Contracting parties, working permanently at the Secretariat in accordance with the Staff regulations, excluding the seconded national experts and locally contracted experts.
1.4 ‘dependent child’ means
the legitimate, natural or adopted child of an official, or of his/her spouse, who is actually being supported by the staff member.
the same shall apply to a child for whom an application for adoption has been lodged and the adoption procedure started.
any child whom the staff member has a responsibility to support, under a judicial decision on the protection of minors,.
1.5 ‘Headquarters’ refers the place where the seat of the Secretariat is.
1.6 ‘educational institutions’ means nurseries, kindergarten, pre-school, primary and secondary educational institutions, which provide tuition and teaching curriculums.
1.7 ‘education allowance’ means flat rate amount to contribute to schooling/enrolment fees or general fees for schooling and education charged by the educational institution.
2. Applicability
2.1 Educational allowances are applicable to all staff members provided that:
Transport Community Permanent Secretariat staff member dependent child/children are registered at the General Secretariat of the Government of the Republic of Serbia and,
dependent child/children are attending educational institution that charges schooling fees and is located at the seat of the Permanent Secretariat in Belgrade.
2.2 The entitlement shall cease in cases when:
the child is no longer in full-time attendance at an educational institution which charges schooling fees, or
the child reaches the age of 1 8 years or the employment of the staff member ends.
3. Payment of educational allowance
3.1 Staff members shall receive an education allowance for each dependent child within the meaning of point 1.4, who is less than six years old and who is attending nursery, kindergarten or pre-school educational institution. This pre-school allowance is granted until the year in which the child reaches the age of six (6 th year inclusive) or until the child starts primary school.
3.2 Staff members shall receive an education allowance for each dependent child, within the meaning of point 1.4, who is at least five years old and in regular full-time attendance at primary or secondary school. As soon as the child starts primary school, eligibility to the pre-school allowance is no longer applicable.
3.3 The following items of expenditure shall be taken into account for the educational allowance:
school/educational institution enrolment fee(s) or general fees for schooling and education charged by the educational institution.
The education allowance shall not include any cost directly related to the schooling: transportation of children, books, meals, extra lessons, additional tutors, equipment, exams or examination expenses, expenses for special courses and activities (including equipment), correspondence courses mentioned in 3.8, nor any other cost different from the yearly schooling or enrolment fees. This limitation also applies to other indirectly related costs: potential credits, loans or similar, for which the staff member may apply for in order to cover the schooling expenses.
3.4 The entitlement to education allowance shall commence on the first day of the month in which the child begins to attend the educational institution as described in point 3.1 and 3.2 and shall cease at the end of the last month of the school year in which the child reaches the age of 1 8 years.
3.5 The ceiling paid for education allowance for primary or secondary school shall be EUR 285.81/month, whereas the ceiling paid for education allowance for nursery, kindergarten or pre-school educational institution shall be EURI 02.90/month.
No expenses over these ceilings will be reimbursed.
3.6 Payment of the education allowance shall be made upon presentation of payment evidence/original invoice issued by the educational institution of registration/schooling fees and other supporting documentation, confirming that the child attends the educational institution charging the fees at the place where the Secretariat sits.
The payment shall be made, based on actual costs incurred for registration/schooling fees and up to the maximum ceilings of point 3.5, as a monthly payment equal to one twelfth of the total eligible costs.
3.7 If the child’s education is interrupted for at least one school year by illness or other compelling reasons, the period of eligibility shall be extended by the period of interruption.
3.8 The education allowance shall not be payable in respect of correspondence courses or for private tuition.
3.9 In case the child receives a scholarship or any other funding or allowances from other sources in support to the enrolment cost to the educational institution, the staff member shall inform the Secretariat in writing and the education allowance shall be reduced and calculated based on the remaining amount to be covered by the staff member.
3.10 The school year shall consist of the actual number of days between the first day of the opening term and the last day of the final term at the educational institution attended by the child.
3.11 Claims for payment of education allowance shall be submitted to the Director in writing and shall be supported by documentary evidence as required in provision 3.6.
4. Final provision
4.1 Education allowance for dependent child/children who started the schooling in the year preceding the year of the adoption of the education rules shall be reimbursed in line with the adopted education rules upon presentation of the supporting documentation on the actual cost incurred and up to the maximum ceilings adopted.
4.2 Any change in the education situation, such as end of education, interruption of education and restarting education after an interruption, change of school etc., shall be declared in writing to the Director. The change will be applied retroactively from the first day of the month that follows the month in which the change has been made.
4.3 The Director is responsible for the proper implementation of these rules.
4.4 Depending on the development of prices, the Director may propose to the Regional Steering Committee to review these rules.