("Off. Herald of RS - Treaties", No. 7/2023)

The Ministry of Sports of the Republic of Serbia and the General Sports Authority of the Kingdom of Bahrain (hereinafter referred to as "Parties"),

In order to strengthen and develop friendly relations through sports, for the benefit of both countries,

In accordance with the national legislation of the Republic of Serbia and the Kingdom of Bahrain,

The Parties have reached the following understanding:

Article 1

The Parties hereby express their will to establish sports cooperation within the framework of their respective powers and competences, by fostering as a priority the exchange of expertise in the following fields:

- Sports Institutional cooperation.

- Field of science and technology applied to sports.

- Sports medicine.

- Fight against negative phenomena in sports.

- Organization of sports events.

- Training of sports specialists.

- Programs for the support of sports for the disabled.

- Sports for all.

- Sports infrastructure.

- Sports tourism.

- Sports in educational institutions.

Article 2

The Parties will cooperate in the promotion of Martial Arts and will work on organizing Martial Arts events found in both countries.

Article 3

The Parties hereby intend to work on the following:

1. To collect information and exchange points of view in the field of sports through consultations.

2. To host sports training camps organized in each country, respectively.

3. To provide information on the experience obtained in planning and building of sports facilities and installation of sports equipment.

4. To exchange information related to sports issues of common interests, through periodicals and other publications made available.

5. To provide information on seminars, congresses, and other meetings in the field of sports which are held in each country.

6. To support activities related to sports for all, sports for sustainable development and municipal sports.

7. To support exchange of activities through national sports organizations.

Article 4

The Parties intend to cooperate in the following forms of sports cooperation:

1. Exchange of sports specialists and experts with the purpose of mutual training and exchange of expertise.

2. Participation in courses, seminars, symposia, and congresses in the field of sports organized in each country.

3. Cooperation in the training of personnel for technical, professional, and administrative functions in the field of sports.

4. Participation of delegations of either Party in sports events organized in each country, respectively.

Article 5

The Parties will organize the exchange of visits in order to strengthen cooperation in the field of sports tourism, by inviting the representatives of national institutions to be present at sports manifestations and events organized by each Party with the aim to exchange experience in the field of sports tourism and to enhance development of this field in both countries.

Article 6

The Parties will encourage cooperation in the field of sports within international organizations in order to exchange information and implement the joint activities.

Article 7

The financial arrangements to cover expenses for the cooperative activities decided upon within the framework of this Memorandum will be mutually decided by the Parties in writing on a case-by-case basis, subject to the availability of funds and resources.

Article 8

The present Memorandum may be amended upon mutual written consent of the Parties. Such changes will enter into effect on the date determined by the Parties agree mutually.

Article 9

In the event of any differences arising out of or in connection with the present Memorandum, the Parties agree to resolve their differences amicably through consultations and negotiations between the Parties.

Article 10

The present Memorandum will come into effect upon signature by both Parties and will remain in effect for a period of four years from the date of its signature and will be automatically extended for successive periods of four years, unless either of the Parties expresses, three months prior to the date of its expiry, an interest in a new memorandum on different terms and conditions or unless either Party expresses its intention in writing to the other Party to terminate this Memorandum, six months prior to the date of its termination.

The termination or expiration of this Memorandum will not affect the implementation of cooperative activities in progress, unless otherwise jointly decided by the Parties.

Signed in Belgrade on 16 th of September 2023, in two originals, each in Serbian, Arabic and English language, all texts being equally authentic. In case of any inconsistency in interpretation, the English version shall prevail.

For the Ministry of Sports
of the Republic of Serbia
Zoran Gajic
Minister of Sports


For the General Sports Authority
of the Kingdom of Bahrain
HH Shaikh Khalid Bin Hamad Al Khalifa
President of the General Sports Authority