("Off. Herald of RS - Treaties", No. 7/2023)

In order to safely export fresh apples from Republic of Serbia to the People’s Republic of China, on the basis of a pest risk analysis, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia (hereinafter called the "MAFWM") and the General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter called the "GACC"), exchanged views and reached consensus as follows:

Article 1


Fresh apples (Malus domestica) (hereinafter called "apples") exported from Serbia to China shall comply with all applicable Chinese phytosanitary laws and regulations, health and safety standards, and with the requirements stated herein, and be free from any quarantine pests of concern to China (as stated in Annex 1).

This protocol pertains only to phytosanitary requirements. Other standards and requirements such as those regarding human health (e.g., China’s national food safety standards), may also apply to Serbian fresh apples.

Article 2


All exporters including orchards, as well as packing houses and cold-treatment facilities that wish to export apples, must be registered by MAFWM, and approved by both MAFWM and GACC. Registration shall include name, address and code, so that, whenever any product is detected as non-compliant with the requirements herein, it can be traced back to the establishment with certainty. The registration record shall be forwarded by MAFWM to GACC for approval prior to the start of each export season.

Article 3

Orchard Management

Under the supervision of MAFWM, all orchards registered for export to China shall establish quality management system and traceability system, and apply Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and keep good sanitary conditions, e.g., maintaining good fruit production environment far away from pollution source, eliminating the dropped and rotten fruits promptly. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs shall also be implemented, including pest monitoring, physical, chemical or biological control, and agricultural handling, etc.

According to International standards for phytosanitary measures 6 (ISPM 6), MAFWM shall establish a management scheme to organize orchard monitoring activity for the quarantine pests of concern to China (Annex 1). If any target species or their corresponding symptoms are detected, the necessary measures including chemical, physical and biological methods shall be applied immediately.

Monitoring and control activities in orchards producing for export must be performed under the supervision and guidance of technical personnel knowledgeable in pest monitoring and control, and the technical personnel shall be trained by MAFWM or MAFWM authorized institutions.

All orchards shall keep a record of pest monitoring and control, which will be submitted to GACC by MAFWM upon request. The pest chemical control record must indicate specific information, including name of agrochemical, active ingredient, date of application and dosages applied during vegetation period.

The fallen fruits shall not be used for export.

When the fruits are transported from the orchard to the packinghouse, they shall be taken by closed box truck or covered with canvas to avoid the infection of pests on the way.

MAFWM shall ensure that the registered orchards are inspected at least 20 days before fruit harvest, focusing on whether there are quarantine pests of concern to China, the monitoring and control of pests, and the maintenance of field sanitation. If quarantine pests of concern to China are found, the samples shall be sent to the official laboratory for identification, and control measures shall be taken immediately. The orchards which are unable to meet the phytosanitary requirements shall be suspended to export apples to China in this export season.

Article 4

Control Measures for Special Pests

1. Ceratitis capitata

MAFWM shall establish a surveillance system for C. capitata. The orchards exported to China shall use Jackson traps with sex pheromone Trimedlure as bait to monitor C. capitata from the flowering to harvest. The traps in each orchard shall be placed with at least 1 trap per 10 ha (at least 3 traps for each orchard of less than 10 ha), and be serviced at least once every two weeks. Effective control measures shall be taken if C. capitata is detected.

The apples exported to China shall be treated by cold treatment, and be supervised by MAFWM or MAFWM authorized personnel. Cold treatment shall be conducted according to the Operational Procedures for Cold Treatment at Origin (Annex 2) or Operational Procedures for Cold Treatment in Transit (Annex 3). The cold treatment requirement will be one of the followings:

(1) 1.11 °C (the pulp temperature) or below for not less than 14 consecutive days; or

(2) 1.67 °C (the pulp temperature) or below for not less than 16 consecutive days; or

(3) 2.22 °C (the pulp temperature) or below for not less than 18 consecutive days.

2. Erwinia amylovora

Apples for export to China shall be sourced from Pest Free Place of Production (PFPP) for E. amylovora, following the guidelines of International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures No.10 (ISPM 10). The status of the PFPP shall be approved by MAFWM and GACC. MAFWM will submit the relevant documents about the maintenance of the PFPP to GACC for assessment upon request.

MAFWM shall organize the monitoring of E. amylovora in the apple production place of whole country, at least 3 times each year. MAFWM or MAFWM authorized institutions shall be responsible for monitoring E. amylovora in orchards exported to China at least 3 times a year, i.e. after sprouting, 30-40 days after blooming and before harvesting. A 1000 meter buffer zone shall be established around the PFPP, and all susceptible hosts will be marked in the buffer zones and be monitored at least 3 times yearly. MAFWM will provide the relevant information to GACC regarding the monitoring upon request. If E. amylovora is detected in a PFPP or in a buffer zone, the export of apples to China from the relevant PFPP will be suspended, and inform GACC immediately. After E. amylovora is eliminated by MAFWM and get approval by GACC, the status of the PFPP can be recovered.

3. Monilinia fructicola

Apples for export to China shall be sourced from Pest Free Place of Production (PFPP) for M. fructicola, following the guidelines of International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures No.10 (ISPM 10). Status of the PFPP shall be approved by MAFWM and GACC. MAFWM will submit the relevant documents about the maintenance of the PFPP to GACC for assessment upon request.

Under the supervision of MAFWM and guidance of technicians responsible for plant protection, the orchards exported to China shall be monitored for M. fructicola once every two weeks through visual inspections, sampling and identification. MAFWM shall provide GACC with a survey report or management record of this pest upon request. If M. fructicola is detected in a PFPP the export of apples to China from the relevant PFPP will be suspended, and MAFWM will inform GACC immediately. After M. fructicola is eliminated by MAFWM and get approval by GACC, the status of the PFPP can be recovered.

4. Cydia pomonella

Under the supervision of MAFWM and guidance of technicians responsible for plant protection, the orchards exported to China shall be monitored for C. pomonella from the flowering period in spring to the fruit packing period. Traps will be placed in orchards with the density of no less than one trap per 1 ha (at least 3 traps for each orchard of less than 3 ha). The lure core will be replaced once a month, and the traps will be serviced once every two weeks. If three or more C. pomonella were found in the trap, effective prevention and control shall be taken immediately. Orchards that are not thoroughly controlled are prohibited from being exported to China, and MAFWM will inform GACC immediately. Upon request, MAFWM shall provide GACC with a survey report or management record of the pest.

5. Hoplocampa testudinea

Under the supervision of MAFWM and guidance of technicians responsible for plant protection, the orchards exported to China shall be monitored for H. testudinea from the flowering to harvest, using non-chemical or chemical measures for effective prevention and control. The monitoring of H. testudinea is carried out using white sticky traps set in orchards with the density of no less than one trap per 1 ha (at least 3 traps for each orchard of less than 3 ha), and the traps shall be serviced every two weeks. In the autumn, orchards must be cleaned to collect and destroy infected fruit. Once the detection of H. testudinea, the insecticides approved by China’ side shall be adopted for control promptly. Orchards that are not thoroughly controlled are prohibited from being exported to China, and MAFWM will inform GACC immediately. Upon request, MAFWM shall provide GACC with a survey report or management record of the pest.

6. Other quarantine pests

For Dysaphis plantaginea,Epidiaspisleperii, Phytophthora syringae and other pests of concern to China (Annex 1), the orchards exported to China shall be monitored from the flowering to harvest under the supervision and guidance of MAFWM and technicians, focusing on checking if there are any target pests on fruits, branches, stems and leaves. If a pest or its corresponding symptoms are found during monitoring, biological, physical or chemical control measures shall be adopted. Orchards that are not thoroughly controlled are prohibited from being exported to China, and MAFWM will inform GACC immediately. Upon request, MAFWM shall provide GACC with a survey report or management record of the pest.

Article 5

Packaging and Processing

MAFWM or MAFWM authorized official shall supervise apples packaging, processing, storage and transportation. Packing facility and cold storage should keeping sanitary conditions, and have facility to prevent reinfection of pests (such as insect net).

During the packaging process, apples must be selected, sorted, and removing defective fruit, carrying out sterilization, washing and other processes, to prevent the inclusion of any insects, mites, rotten fruit, leaves, branches, roots or soil with the fruits.

After the packaging is completed, the technician of packinghouse shall inspect 600 fruits in each batch and select 60 fruits with suspicious symptoms for fruit dissection inspection. If any quarantine pest of concern to China was found, the batch of products will not be exported to China. If E. amylovora orM. fructicola was found, the export of apples to China from the relevant PFPP will be suspended, and MAFWM will inform GACC immediately. After the target pest is eliminated by MAFWM and get approval by GACC, the status of the PFPP can be recovered.

Packaging materials shall be clean, hygienic, unused and compliant with Chinese phytosanitary and sanitary requirements. Wood packaging material must comply with International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures 15 (ISPM 15).

Packaged apples shall be immediately stored in a chamber only with apples of the same phytosanitary condition, separated from others to prevent secondary pest infestation.

Each box must be labeled in Chinese or English with the fruit name, exporting country, production place, registration name or number of orchard and packing house, etc. The following text must be marked in Chinese or English on each box and pallet: "Exported to the People’s Republic of China" ().

Containers in which the apples is loaded for export to China shall be checked for their cleanliness at the time of loading. The activity shall be recorded for MAFWM official confirmation.

Article 6

Pre-Export Inspection and Quarantine

During the first two years of the trade, MAFWM or MAFWM authorized official shall carry out the inspection sampling 2% of each consignment of apples to China. The minimal number of the sampling will be 1200 fruits, and at least 60 fruits of them and all suspected infestation fruits shall be cut for the inspection. If no quarantine problems are detected during the two-year period, the sample size will be reduced 1%, and the minimum number of the sample will be 600 fruits.

If any live organism of E. Amylovora or M. fructicola was found, MAFWM shall suspend the status of the relevant PFPP, and inform GACC immediately. After E. Amylovora or M. fructicola is eliminated by MAFWM and get approval in GACC, the status of the PFPP can be recovered.

If any other live organism of quarantine pests of concern to China was found, the batch of apples shall not be exported to China. MAFWM officials shall find the cause and take preventive measures for betterment. At the same time, the detection record shall be kept, and delivered at the request of GACC.

Upon completing an inspection, MAFWM shall issue a Phytosanitary Certificate for the approved batch, noticed the registration name or number of orchards and packing houses. The following must be indicated in the declaration: "This consignment complies with requirements specified in the Protocol of Phytosanitary Requirements for Export of Fresh Apples from Serbia to China, and is free from the quarantine pests of concern to China."

For shipments undergoing a cold treatment at origin, the temperature and duration thereof, as well as the name or code of the facility in which it was completed, must be specified on the Phytosanitary Certificate. For cold treatments in transit, the statement "Cold treatment in transit" must be included in the respective certificates, together with the treatment temperature and duration, and the container and seal numbers.

MAFWM shall deliver copies of the Phytosanitary Certificate to GACC prior to commencing any trade.

Article 7

Entry Inspection and Quarantine

Entry ports for Serbian apples are all Chinese ports and airports authorized for fruit entry by GACC.

When apples arrival at the Chinese port of entry, officials of the China Customs shall examine the Phytosanitary Certificate, Animal-and-Plant Entry Permit and other documents, and shall complete the inspection and quarantine process.

Shipments of apples from unauthorized orchards or packing houses shall not be allowed to entry.

For items having undergone cold treatment at origin, the cold treatment results with attached MAFWM’s sign-offs, including fruit temperature sensor record, must be delivered. The cold treatment report and record of fruit temperature sensor calibration must be provided for those having undergone cold treatment in transit.

Any shipment that is determined as not having undergone cold treatment shall undergo the cold treatment at the destination port (be treated in the original container), or be returned, destroyed and so on.

If any live organism of quarantine pest listed in Annex 1 or other quarantine pests new reported in Serbia was detected, or if soil or leaves were detected, the shipment shall be returned, destroyed or treated.

If inconformity with China’s national food safety standards is found, the apples shall be returned or destroyed.

GACC will inform MAFWM the non-compliance, and suspend the import of apples from the relevant orchards, packing houses and/or cold treatment facilities in the remaining season in some cases. If the shipment of apples was from the relevant PFPP for E. amylovora or M. fructicola, the status of the relevant PFPP shall be suspend immediately. MAFWM shall investigate the cause and take measures to prevent recurrence of these events. Based on the outcome of evaluating the improvement measures adopted by MAFWM, GACC shall decide whether or not to cancel the suspension.

Article 8

Compliance Inspection

In the first year of implementation of this Protocol, with the assistance of MAFWM, GACC may carry out a compliance inspection by the way of on-site or remote investigation on the production areas of Serbian apples, to confirm whether or not the management system of the apples to be exported to China is consistent with the requirements of this Protocol.

Any costs relating to the aforesaid on-site investigation, including international traveling, accommodation expenses, shall be borne by the Serbia party.

Article 9

Retrospective Review

If necessary, GACC shall complete an additional risk analysis based on the actual presence of pests in Serbia and pest interception. The list of quarantine pests and relevant quarantine measures may be adjusted as agreed with MAFWM. If necessary, GACC may send experts to Serbia for retrospective review, including on-site investigation.

Article 10

Amendment, Entry into Force and Termination

After a written agreement has been reached by both parties, the terms of this Protocol may be amended. If either party wishes to rescind the Protocol, it will notify the other party in writing at least 6 months in advance.

This protocol shall be effective for three years, unless any of the parties notifies the other of its intention to amend or terminate it at least 6 months ahead of the intended expiry date. It shall be automatically and consecutively renewed for additional three-years terms.

Both parties agree that this Protocol shall not violate or impact the implementation of the laws and regulations of each country. Any differences arising from interpretation or implementation of this Protocol shall be settled through consultation and negotiation between both parties.

This Protocol is signed in Beijing, on 17 th October 2023, in two counterparts in Chinese, Serbian and English language versions, and shall come into effect on the date of execution hereof. Each party shall retain a copy of the two equally valid texts. In case of any divergence of interpretation, the English text will prevail.

The Ministry of Agriculture,
Forestry and Water Management
of the Republic of Serbia


The General Administration of
Customs of the People’s Republic
of China


Annex 1


1. Ceratitis capitata

2. Cydia pomonella

3. Dasineura mali

4. Dysaphis plantaginea

5. Epidiaspis leperii

6. Eriosoma lanigerum

7. Hoplocampa testudinea

8. Hedya nubiferana

9. Orthosia cerasi

10. Pterochloroides persicae

11. Taeniothrips inconsequens

12. Monilinia fructicola

13. Phytophthora syringae

14. Venturia inaequalis

15. Erwinia amylovora

16. Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae

Annex 2


1. Type of Cold-Treatment Chambers

1.1 Cold treatment at origin must be done in cold storage chambers authorized by MAFWM.

1.2 MAFWM or MAFWM authorized officials are responsible for ensuring that the chambers used by exporters comply with the appropriate regulations and have cooling equipment capable of reaching and maintaining the required fruit temperature.

1.3 MAFWM or MAFWM authorized official shall keep records of chamber fitting for cold treatment of fruits exported to China. These records include documents compliant with the following requirements:

a. Location of infrastructure and construction plan, including specific owner and handler contact information;

b. Size and capacity;

c. Type of wall, floor and ceiling insulation;

d. Brand, mode, model and capacity of the refrigerating compressor, evaporator and ventilation system, and

e. Equipment temperature range, defrost circulation control, specific information documents and specifications of compound temperature recorders.

1.4 Prior to the start of each fruit export season, MAFWM shall deliver to GACC the name and address information of registered refrigerated chambers.

2. Types of Registers

MAFWM or MAFWM authorized officials must ensure that the combination of temperature sensors and temperature registers are as follows:

(a) Sensors must be accurate at ± 0.15 °C, in the range of -3.0 °C to +3.0 °C;

(b) The required number of sensors must be adjustable;

(c) Registers must be capable of recording and storing data during treatment;

(d) Their capacity must allow for recording information from all temperature sensors at least every hour with the same precision as required, and supervised by MAFWM or MAFWM authorized official;

(e) Print capability is required to produce a hard copy identifying sensor, time and temperature, and specifying the register and chamber identification numbers.

3. Calibration of Temperature Sensors

Calibration shall be done with a mixture of crushed iced water and distilled water using a certified thermometer approved by MAFWM officials.

(a) Any sensor registering a temperature below -0.3 °C or above 0.3 °C must be replaced.

(b) MAFWM or MAFWM authorized officials shall check the fruit sensors calibration upon treatment completion using the foregoing method.

4. Temperature Sensor Placement

4.1 Fruits placed on the top pallet must be pre-cooled and transferred to the cold treatment chamber under the supervision of MAFWM or MAFWM authorized officials.

4.2 At least two sensors must be used to measure the temperature inside the chamber (separated at the air exit and return points). The following four sensors are the minimum number for fresh fruit temperature measurement:

a. One in the middle of the fruit at the center of the treatment chamber;

b. One on a corner of the top layer of fruit at the center of the chamber;

c. One near the air return in the intermediate portion of loaded fruit, and

d. One near the air return at the top of the fruit load.

4.3 Sensors must be placed and the register connected under the supervision and instruction of MAFWM or MAFWM authorized officials.

4.4 Registration may start at any time, but the start of treatment shall only be measured from the moment at which all fruit sensors reach the specified treatment temperature.

4.5 When using the minimum number of sensors, if any one of them is out of the validity range for four consecutive hours, the treatment shall be deemed invalid and must be repeated.

5. Verification of Treatment Results

5.1 When treatment records show parameter compliance with the requirements, MAFWM or MAFWM authorized officials may authorize ending the treatment. If sensors have been approved pursuant to "Section 3", it shall be deemed successfully completed.

5.2 Sensors must be calibrated prior to fruit removal from the chamber.

6. Confirmation of Treatment Results

6.1 Sufficient statistics must be attached to the printed temperature record as proof of treatment completion.

6.2 MAFWM or MAFWM authorized officials must approve the aforesaid record and statistics before ratifying the results as successful, and this approval must be submitted for review at the GACC’s request.

6.3 For treatments not meet the requirements, the register may be reconnected for ongoing treatment if either of the following conditions is met:

a. MAFWM or MAFWM authorized officials confirm that the treatment meets the requirements stated in "Section 6", or

b. The time between completion and re-start is less than 24 hours.

In both cases, the data may continue to be recorded upon reconnecting the registers.

7. Container Loading

7.1 The containers must be inspected by MAFWM or MAFWM authorized officials to guarantee that they carry no pests, and their entrance covered to prevent pests from entering.

7.2 The fruits shall be loaded into the containers in insect-proof constructions, or the entrance to the chamber and container isolated with insect-proof materials.

8. Containers Seal

8.1 MAFWM or MAFWM authorized officials shall install a numbered seal on the container door, recording the seal number on the Phytosanitary Certificate.

8.2 The seal may only be removed by a customs official at the Chinese port of arrival.

9. Storage of Fruit Not Immediately Loaded

If not immediately loaded, treated fruit may be stored, but safe storage conditions need to be checked by MAFWM or MAFWM authorized officials, i.e.:

(a) When the fruit is stored in the treatment chamber, the door must be closed;

(b) If transferred to other storage place, such transfer must be done in a trustworthy manner approved by MAFWM, and no other fruit may be stored with it, and

(c) Subsequent loading of the fruit into a container must be supervised by MAFWM or MAFWM authorized officials, as specified in "Section 7".

10. Phytosanitary Certificate

10.1 The temperature and duration of the cold treatment at origin must be stated in the treatment section of the Phytosanitary Certificate, together with the name or code of the packaging houses, or cold treatment facilities.

10.2 The Phytosanitary Certificate and cold treatment report (attaching the cold treatment temperature record which endorsed by the MAFWM or MAFWM authorized officials and the record of fruit temperature sensor calibration) must be delivered to the China Customs upon arrival of the fruits to China.

Annex 3


1. Type of Container

The container must be a self-cooling (overall cooling) transit container and must be fitted with refrigerating equipment capable of attaining and maintaining the required temperature.

2. Type of Registers

MAFWM or MAFWM authorized officials must ensure that the combination of temperature sensors and registers are as follows:

2.1 Temperature sensors must be ±0.15 °C accurate, in the -3.0 °C to +3.0 °C range.

2.2 The number of sensors placed must be sufficient.

2.3 Registers must be capable of recording and storing the treatment process data.

2.4 Temperature readings of all sensors must be recorded at least every hour meeting the same accuracy parameters as required for sensors.

2.5 Printed temperature records must match the time and temperature recorded for each sensor, and must show the register and container codes.

3. Temperature Sensor Calibration

3.1 Calibration must be done using a standard thermometer approved by MAFWM or MAFWM authorized official in a mixture of crushed ice and distilled water.

3.2 Any sensor reading off the 0 °C ± 0.3 °C range must be replaced.

3.3 A "Record of fruit temperature sensor calibration" must be issued for each container, signed and stamped by MAFWM or MAFWM authorized officials, and the original document attached to the Phytosanitary Certificate at departure.

3.4 When the fruit batches arrive at the Chinese port of entry, China Customs shall inspect the fruit temperature sensor calibration.

4. Temperature sensor Placement

4.1 The packaged fruits shall be loaded into the transit container under the supervision of MAFWM or MAFWM authorized official, arranged in a manner to ensure a uniform air flow underneath and around pallets and boxes.

4.2 At least three fruit temperature and two air temperature sensors must be placed in each container at the following specific points:

a. The fruit temperature sensor No. 1 must be placed in the center of the top layer of the first row of fruit within the container.

b. The fruit temperature sensor No. 2 must be placed in the center 1.5 m (in 40 feet containers) or 1 m (in 20 feet containers) from the container door, at mid height.

c. The fruit temperature sensor No. 3 must be placed in the fruits adjacent to the left wall, 1.5 m (in 40 feet containers) or 1 m (in 20 feet containers) from the container door, also at mid height.

d. The two air (environment) temperature sensors must be located at the container air exit and reentry points.

4.3 All sensors must be placed under the supervision and guidance of MAFWM or MAFWM authorized officials.

4.4 (Pre-cooled) fruits must be stored in refrigerating chambers until the temperature reaches 4 °C prior to container loading.

5. Container Sealing

5.1 MAFWM or MAFWM authorized officials shall place a numbered seal on the freight container door.

5.2 This seal may only be removed by China Customs at the port of arrival in China.

6. Treatment Result Verification

6.1 Sensors must be calibrated before the fruit is transferred out of the container.

6.2 If the treatment record shows parameters compliant with the requirements, China Customs may authorize ending treatment. And if the sensors have been approved pursuant to "Section 3" and "Sensor 4", the treatment shall be considered successful.

7. Temperature Recording and Confirmation

7.1 The in-transit provision is for cold treatment during the trip from Serbia to arrival at the first Chinese port, or ending after such arrival.

7.2 Recording may begin at any time, but the start of the treatment is measured from the point when all fruit sensors reach the specified treatment temperature.

7.3 The shipping company shall download the cold-treatment computer records and deliver them to the China Customs at the first Chinese port of arrival.

7.4 China Customs shall verify the records compliance with cold-treatment requirements, and determine treatment validity based on sensor calibration.

8. Phytosanitary Certificate

8.1 The cold-treatment temperature and start date must be stated in the treatment section of the Phytosanitary Certificate, followed by "In transit", together with the name or code of the packaging houses, or containers.

8.2 The Phytosanitary Certificate, cold treatment report and fruit-temperature-sensor calibration record shall be delivered to China Customs upon arrival of the fruits in China.