("Off. Herald of RS - Treaties", No. 2/2024)

Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Serbia, the two countries have carried out win-win cooperation on an equal footing, established a comprehensive strategic partnership, and maintained good coordination in international affairs. They have made abundant achievements through practical exchanges and cooperation in politics, economy, culture and other fields. Whereas the Government of the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of Serbia signed the Memorandum of Understanding on Strengthening Information Interconnection and Construction of the Information Silk Road in 2016. The National Development and Reform Commission of the People’s Republic of China and The Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications of the Republic of Serbia represented the both parties launched Belt and Road Digital Economy International Cooperation Initiative at the Fourth World Internet Conference in 2017, which marked the beginning of a new chapter in Belt and Road digital economic cooperation. The following consensus has been reached after friendly consultations in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations in force of the two countries.

Article 1

Cooperation Objectives

The purpose of the Memorandum of Understanding (the "MOU") is to uphold the concept of mutual trust, inclusiveness and win-win, implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, strive to achieve the goals of continuously promoting digital economy development and strengthening digital transformation between the two countries, jointly seize the opportunities of digital, networked and intelligent development, strengthen cooperation in digital economy, release the dividends of data, build the Digital Silk Road, promote economic optimization and upgrading between the two countries, and advance high-quality development.

Article 2

Cooperation Content

The Parties devoted:

(i) Strengthen policies coordination on digital economy. Reinforce the policy communication of digital transformation and development, coordinate the formulation and implementation of relevant policies, enhance mutual trust of digital economy policy, and promote the inclusion of digital economy;

(ii) Promote the innovative application of digital technologies. Deepen innovation cooperation in big data, ICT, cloud computing, blockchain, artificial intelligence. Develop inclusive digital transformation products and services to and form more innovative generic technology solutions;

(iii) Promote the digital transformation of traditional industries. Deepen the application of digital technologies in traditional industries such as agriculture, manufacturing and services. Foster new business forms and models such as e-commerce and mobile payment;

(iv) Jointly foster the development of new forms and models of the digital economy. We will deepen cooperation in new business forms and models such as online shopping, mobile payment, and online-to-offline integration;

(v) Build demonstration platforms for local cooperation on digital economy. Deepen cooperation in building smart cities, promote Peer-to-Peer cooperation in cities and parks, establish new platform such as digital economy industrial demonstration parks;

(vi) Other areas of cooperation that have been agreed upon by the Parties within the framework of the MOU.

Article 3

Implementation and Responsibility

The Parties will promote the bilateral cooperation through the following mechanisms:

(i) Support cooperation among relevant organizations such as universities, enterprises and institutes in the field of ICT;

(ii) Support relevant enterprises of both countries to carry out communication, exchanges and cooperation;

(iii) Support relevant local government to carry out communication, exchanges and cooperation;

(iv) In order to effectively implement the MOU, China has designated the National Data Administration and the Republic of Serbia has designated the Ministry of Information and Telecommunications to lead the establishment of a work team to coordinate, and China has designated the International Cooperation Center as implementation agency to promote and implement activities under the MOU, Serbia has designated the Ministry of Information and Telecommunications to promote and implement activities under the MOU;

(v) Provisions of the MOU shall be effectively executed in compliance with the current laws of the Parties’ respective countries, the principle of reciprocity, and in accordance with the international conventions to which both countries are parties;

(vi) The MOU will be promoted depending on the resources available to each party;

(vii) The MOU has principles of great significance. The Parties can formulate specific cooperation plans in the above-mentioned fields through consultation, without violating the restrictive laws and systems of their respective countries.

Article 4


(i) Provisions of the MOU may be revised under written agreement by the Parties in accordance with the rules in force in both countries;

(ii) The MOU shall remain valid for three years from the date it takes effect;

(iii) Any dispute that may arise between the Parties with respect to the interpretation and implementation of the MOU, shall be amicably resolved through deliberation and negotiations. Modifications to the content of the MOU may only be made with the consent and written confirmation of the Parties;

(iv) Termination of the MOU shall not impair the completion of any cooperation programs effectively undertaken before such termination unless the Parties agree otherwise;

(v) The Parties agree that the information provided by one party to the other is intended solely for internal use and the Parties shall not disclose the information to third parties without prior consent of the information provider.

The MOU is signed in duplicate in Belgrade on May 8. 2024 in the Serbian, Chinese and English languages, all three texts being equally authentic. In case of discrepancies of the three texts, the English text shall prevail.

The Ministry of Information and Telecommunications of the Republic of Serbia


The National Data Administration of the People's Republic of China