("Off. Herald of RS - Treaties", No. 9/2024)

The Ministry of Information and Telecommunications of the Republic of Serbia and the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan (herein after referred to separately as "Party" and jointly as "Parties"),

WHEREAS, the Parties desire to deepen and expand bilateral cooperation in the fields of Information Technology (IT);

Recognizing that international cooperation is the best way to enhance the strengths of countries in areas of IT;

Taking into account traditional longstanding economic relations between the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Kazakhstan;

Believing that this cooperation serves the mutual interests of the Parties;

have reached the following understanding:

Basic Principles

Article 1

The Parties hereby confirm their intention to promote closer cooperation and the exchange of information pertaining to the IT sector in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of their countries and this Memorandum of Cooperation (hereinafter - "MoC") on the basis of equality, cooperation reciprocity and mutual benefit.

Areas of Cooperation

Article 2

The Parties intent to cooperate in the following areas:

(i) The Parties will share their experiences in the use of IT for addressing, analyzing and solving national challenges, and use the most appropriate technologies to develop and pilot innovative solutions in key application domains;

(ii) Enhance cooperation in the area of e-Governance, smart infrastructure, e-Health, e-Public Services Delivery including e-learning and others through sharing of best practices, participation in conferences, study visits and exchange of experts;

(iii) Coordination, cooperation and sharing of best practices in IT industry development with regards to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and encourage innovation, startups and entrepreneurship;

(iv) Share best practices for Human Capacity Development programs implemented and collaborate to re-skill and up-skill young talents in the areas of new and emerging technologies;

(v) To cooperate in the field of electronics systems design and manufacturing related digital technologies to further innovation led electronic manufacturing including electronics of renewable energies, power electronics industries etc.;

(vi) Facilitating collaboration opportunities, e.g., between IT ‒ Parks, IT academies and IT entities of both countries to implement advanced training of IT specialists based on smart programs and innovative system methods;

(vii) Arranging mutual consultations between the Parties about accelerating programs for startups continuously which intend to promote a business IT sphere;

(viii) The Parties will share their experiences and the best practices to collaborate in the field of electronics industry, emerging technologies and products such as AI, Big Data Analytics, High Performance Computing, Internet of Things, etc.; and

(ix) Other areas as mutually agreed upon in writing by the Parties.

Application and Follow-Up

Article 3

(i) The Parties will establish an IT Joint Working Group (ITJWG), which comprises representatives of the Parties, other relevant Government agencies, stakeholders, and private sector representatives of both countries, under the direction of the Parties.

(ii) The ITJWG will define modalities and mechanisms for identifying and implementing mutually agreed activities carried out under this MoC, including aspects related to feasibility, funding and reporting mechanisms.

(iii) Each Party will designate an officer to coordinate all issues related to the implementation of the cooperation aspects described in this paragraph.

(iv) The ITJWG intends to meet physically at least once in a year, the meeting location will be exchanged respectively between the Parties.

(v) The Parties have the right to enter into agreements similar in subject, scope and terms with other legal entities. The Parties enjoy full freedom of choice of counterparties in their activities.


Article 4

Communication, cooperative activities between the Parties will be in writing and through the designated contact points identified by the Parties. If details of the contact point are changed, the concerned Party will notify the other Party about such changes.


Article 5

The Parties intent to respect confidentiality of non-dis-closable information and protecting the intellectual property rights and other legitimate rights and interests of the Parties.


Article 6

This MoC is not a treaty under the meaning of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, 1969 and does not create any rights and obligations for the Parties and their States, governed by international law.


Article 7

This MoC becomes effective on the date of its signature.

Signed in Belgrade on 19/11 2024 in two original copies, in Kazakh, Serbian and English languages; all texts are equally authentic. In case of discrepancy between the texts the Parties will refer to the text in English.

For the Ministry of Information
and Telecommunications
of the Republic of Serbia


For the Ministry of Digital Development,
Innovations and Aerospace Industry
of the Republic of Kazakhstan